Discover Your Divine Life Purpose

Discover your Divine Life Purpose is a 6-month transformational process working with the Golden Humpback Whales to activate your light body and working with the Golden Dolphins to activate and calibrate your DNA. When you have completed this process, you will receive your Golden Avatar Light Body!!!

What can you expect from this process? Awaken your 36 strands of dormant DNA. Activate your 13 Light Body Templates. Discover your divine soul mission and life purpose. Heal your body, mind, and your life! Expand your consciousness and raise your vibration. Connect to your soul. Enter the path of Golden Ascension. Clear deep emotional & physical blocks. Take a journey through your Akashic and Cosmic Records. Unplug from the 3D Reality & Matrix. Clear, heal, repair, and awaken the genetic codes in your DNA. Restore Your Innate Intuitive Gifts and Talents and/or enhance the ones you already have, like clairsentience, claircognizance, and clairvoyance. Deepen and expand your intuition. Step into your divine mastery and self-empowerment. Become aligned with your higher self. Activate your Crystalline DNA and transform your water-based body into a light body. Be in coherence with your heart and soul. Invoke your healing powers and become your own healer and/or heal others.

Experience an accelerated change, growth, and expansion in your life!

What is Included in this Course:

24 Weekly Live Zoom Session – all sessions are recorded, so if you can’t attend live you can watch the replay. 6-month access to all of the course materials – once you download all of the materials, they are yours to keep.

You can go at your own pace if needed.


Graduation Session. 5D Light Language MP3. Golden Dolphin Light Language MP3. Golden Whale Light Language MP3. Golden Light – Light Language Activation MP3. Golden Light Meditation MP3. Dolphin Breath Meditation MP3. Light Layers MP3

Includes Additional Services and trainings:

Email & DM Support during business hours. Weekly Group Coaching and/or Healing & Training. A Private Facebook Group. Chakra Clearing & Alignment with The Golden Humpback Whales and Andara Crystals. Heart Wall and Hidden Heart Wall removal. Negative Energy Removal. Meet your body Elemental. Golden Illumination Energy Healing, How to communicate with your higher self. Living in your Heart. and more…

What Does Being a Golden Avatar Superhuman Mean?

Your Sacred Golden Flame is ignited and you enter the era of the Golden Age of the new race of a Golden Superhuman. You realize your own innate divinity within. That you have all of the skills and attributes of theAascended Masters and Source.

I am a Golden Oracle healer, being brought forth at this time to help humanity enter the new Golden Age of Awakening. I am fulfilling the work from my Lemurian and Atlantis timelines. This is my Divine Life Purpose. To bring this Golden Energy to everyone. To activate them into their Golden Avatar Light Body. Once somebody receives their Golden Avatar Light Body, their DNA becomes Golden. They turn into Golden liquid light. Their consciousness becomes Golden. Their Soul becomes Golden.  They become a Golden Superhuman! This is a path of Golden Accelerated Ascension to the Golden Planet in the 5th dimension.

Enter the magical golden zone of miracles. This Golden Energy is an experience that is beyond human comprehension and words. It will completely transform your life.

The Golden Flame carries the highest Vibration of all of the light on the planet. The Golden Light is way ahead of its time! When you are in the Golden frequency you are a Master Manifestor. Your vibration is so high that manifesting is just a thought and that thought materializes instantly!

Let the Golden Light shower you with Golden stardust sprinkles. Then you will see and understand how much power you have.

It is time for you to awaken and remember who you truly are.

Here is a testimony from Colleen L a recent graduate:

Before the program, my life felt small, contracted, and colorless. I did not have a relationship with my higher self and I felt powerless. 

After the program, I do have a relationship with my higher self, tools to maintain and protect my energy/light, and my intuition is much stronger whereas before it was nonexistent. Also, I became more aware of my spiritual gifts and I feel more empowered, not powerless. Now, I feel like my consciousness has expanded and there’s a richness to my life that I can’t quite explain. Maybe it’s because I’m now more aware of the energies around me. I do feel abundant and full of color. And I feel empowered, peaceful, and joyful. I feel like I finally woke up after a long sleep.

Jai was able to help heal the initial soul tears in my aura. During the program, I was mostly allowing the whales/dolphins to do all the healing. Now, I’m able to meditate and cleanse my chakras, and remove energies that are not mine. Since the program concluded, I have found that healing continues, as  I discover more about myself.

The program helped me focus my energies and attention on myself, which I hadn’t done in a long time. I was always caring for other people, but never for myself. I always placed myself second or last. The program really helped me realize that my life matters. I matter. I have value. 

I would say that I did have a transformation. I am much calmer and less anxious about the future. I am more living in the present and feel very empowered to shape my reality as I see fit. I am having fun living and trying out new experiences. There is a lightness to my being and I have a positive outlook on life.

Colleen L 

Schedule your free Golden Discovery Call now